Alex Conley

Lucky Goat Coffee Educator

As Lucky Goat Coffee Educator, Alex is not only a coffee lover but a lifetime learner. She loves that her job allows her to learn the science behind the ever-evolving coffee industry and that she gets to share her knowledge with her staff every day. Starting out by brewing her own home cold brew coffee, Alex quickly fell in love with the process of making coffee for others and found Lucky Goat to be the place to do just that.

Originally from Jacksonville, Alex came to Tallahassee to pursue her degree in Exercise Physiology at FSU. Working in a coffee shop was her dream part time job, so she decided to pursue it while in college. Since graduating, she has taken on leadership roles in the cafe from barista to café leader to now company educator.

Whenever she has a free day or two, she loves to be outside visiting the beach or trekking around our local greenways. If she’s not outside, you’ll find her cooking, listening to hip hop, or moonwalking whenever she gets the chance.

  • Your theme song: Television / So Far So Good by Rex Orange County
  • The moment you knew you loved coffee: The first time I drank it at an airport before an early morning flight
  • Fun fact: I was a majorette in the Marching Chiefs band at FSU
  • Motivated by: Becoming more like my Mom